MiniMe Mindfulness® Parent Portal

“Teaching positive mindfulness and mindset techniques, is as important as teaching children how to read and write.”
— Tessa Hawes, Founder & CEO MiniMe Mindfulness®

Positive Mindfulness.

Learning how to live in the present moment can help to raise self awareness which could increase confidence, inner calm and happiness whilst helping to reduce stress and anxiety.

A Mindfulness course delivered by our 8 year old Mindset Mentor, Oscar via our online ‘one click’ lessons. The lessons include an introduction to MiniMe Mindfulness® and Guided Meditation. Our sessions include teachings on; Senses, Body & Breath, Emotions, How Our Brains Work, Being with Unhelpful Emotions, Focus, Respecting Others, Our Happy Place, Thoughts and Feelings and so much more!

Mindset Techniques.

Understanding feelings, recognising emotions and responding appropriately can significantly increase confidence, inner calm and happiness.

A Mindset Techniques course delivered by our 8 year old Mindset Mentor, Oscar via our online ‘one click’ lessons.

Mindset subjects covered include; Gratitude, Affirmations, Body Language, Building Internal Superpowers, Visualisation & Memory, Creating our Vision; Why & How Visualisation & Affirmations Work; Taking Action & Building Courage, Success & Growth Mindset and so much more.

What Next?

Positive mental health starts in the home. It is enhanced by the teachings in school, by friends, family, TV and the environment all around us. We can actively control what our MiniMes learn from us. If we don’t know, we turn to others for their help support and guidance.

We have in-person and online courses so that we can support families all over the UK and beyond - view both below.

Our life changing courses will make a significant impact in developing the mindset of your MiniMe to help them thrive in all areas of life. School, relationships, internal self confidence, friendships, parent/child bonding, personal mental fitness and so much more.

What’s Included in the Online ‘One Click’ Course?

MiniMe Mindfulness® have produced an Online ‘one click’ Coaching 4 Kids by Kids programme, taught by Oscar, age 8. Originally written for primary schools, now available to parents and children to learn together at home! Teaching key Mindfulness and Mindset Techniques in a fun an innovative way to help 3-11 year olds build internal super powers to positively impact their mental wellbeing to thrive in all areas.

These courses have been running in primary schools in UK and Ireland for the past 3 years and have received incredible feedback from children, teachers and parents.

Register on line via the link below and create your own password and gain access to the Parent Portal - 22 online lessons.

The course is split into 2 sections - 11 Mindfulness sessions & 11 Mindset Techniques sessions .

You work with your MiniMe(s) at home to build your Mindfulness and Mindset knowledge together - one step at a time.

The lessons will teach the Super Powers and then the fun begins - practicing them at home to embed the learning.

No experience or knowledge of these subjects is necessary. All you need to do is set aside 20 minutes to sit down together, uninterrupted, with an ipad/tablet, laptop or phone and click ‘play’.

Oscar will narrate the lesson and you simply follow the on screen instructions.

Each lesson is educational, fun and interactive. The format includes a learning objective, video lesson, activity and home practice.

As soon as you register and set up your online access you will have access to the full content via the MiniMe Mindfulness® Parent Portal.

We recommend starting with the Mindfulness Course and moving through each lesson in order. Then moving onto the Mindset Techniques afterwards and following the lessons from 1 to 11. Each lesson recaps on the last and your MiniMe will learn a new super power each week!

A great pace (depending upon age and level of understanding) is to play 1 lesson every 1 or 2 weeks. Home practice is encouraged and essential to embed the 'internal super power’ that is taught in each session.

Embedding the MiniMe Mindfulness® Mindfulness and Mindset Techniques in a fun and innovative way could help your child to:

• Build Confidence

• Raise Self Awareness

• Recognise Emotions

• Understand Feelings

• Self Regulate Responses

• Reduce Stress/Anxiety

• Increase Inner Calm and Happiness

• Encourage Communication and Resilience

What others are saying about Online ‘One Click Lessons’?

“Please could we continue with the online programme next academic year, it has certainly helped the children and continues to up skill staff and help them to deliver Mindfulness both throughout lockdown and now beyond.”

Mr Clarke, Head Teacher St. Cedds School, Chelmsford

“My 11yr and 8yr old have loved following MiniMe Mindfulness on their online lessons and now have a great journal to help them to stay positive and reach their life goals.”

Damien Nurse, Parent

Words to describe MiniMe Mindfulness® - feedback from children who have completed our courses:

“MiniMe Mindfulness® is great and makes me feel confident.”

“Amazing, Helpful, Fun.”

“I love listening to Oscars meditations they make me feel calm.”

Continuing to practice Mindfulness and Mindset Techniques together in a fun and innovative way.

The MiniMe Mindfulness® Journal helps to support learning and ensure that the Super Powers become positive daily mental health habits. This is a great tool for a brilliant bedtime routine.

Each section and activity within the journal is supported by a video from Oscar (age 8) in the MiniMe Habits section of our website. Plus the emojis that are used on each page enable your MiniMe to consider and communicate their feelings without having to find the words!

What are others asking?

You may have questions like other parents who have contacted us to know more. Let us share some of the answers with you so that you have confidence in purchasing the access to the courses via the MiniMe Mindfulness® Parent Portal……

Do I need to be the ‘teacher’ for my child with this course?

No. Oscar, age 8 is teaching all the material - just sit back and enjoy the lessons with your MiniMe.

Do I have to be present with my child for them to take the course?

No. You could just give your child the log in details or help them start the online lesson then leave them to it! Although, we believe that one of the HUGE benefits of the Parent Portal is that the parents/carers/guardians get to learn these life changing skills and techniques at the same time. It’s a huge benefit to the whole household if everyone embraces positive mental health habits.

How long does it take to complete the course?

You take it at your own pace.

There are 11 Mindfulness and 11 Mindset sessions. We would highly recommend setting aside 20 minutes at least every other week as your ‘MiniMe Mindfulness®’ time together. Watching Oscars video ‘one click’ lessons and then completing the task(s).

You continue to ‘practice’ the super power by following the guidance of the ‘home practice’ that is explained in each session.

If you do 1 lesson per week it will take 22 weeks to complete the course. If you do one lesson every other week it will take you 44 weeks to complete the course. You may want to align this with the academic year and break for holidays as and when they arise.

You have complete control and flexibility to go at your own pace - and can go back over any lessons a number of times if required. The important thing is not to rush through the sessions - take time to learn, embrace and practice the techniques. Keep it fun!

My child has a specific mental health issue - should this replace any treatment they are receiving?

No. MiniMe Mindfulness® is a company that helps children to reveal, understand and practice mindfulness and mindset techniques. Effectively equipping them with a brand new ‘super power’ every week. We truly believe that this will help support positive mental health and will compliment any treatment/therapy that is being received. This should be in addition to and not in replace of any medical therapies recommended by a health professional.

We are not doctors, psychiatrists, behaviour experts, medical professionals. Our practice teaches mindfulness and mindset techniques to pre and primary school children in a fun and innovative way to help all children to thrive.

Are these courses aimed at children with known mental health needs?

No. MiniMe Mindfulness® have designed these courses for EVERY child. We truly believe that the information and practices should be taught to ALL children from age 3 - and are “as important as teaching children how to read and write” (quote from our founder Tessa Hawes).

Positive mental health can arise and develop by learning these methods and techniques and continuing to practice them!

Do we need to continue to practice Mindfulness and Mindset Techniques for them to be effective?

Yes. Just like going to the gym for physical fitness, if we know what to do and continue to practice the techniques we are going to create and maintain our mental fitness. Knowing is the key, practicing is where the magic happens and the inner strength continues to unfold and build. Once the techniques are locked in and become a habit - we have then changed our internal belief systems and trained our brains to think and act in a way to help us thrive - which can last a lifetime.

What age do you recommend that children take these courses?

Any child aged between 4 and 11. Our emotional blue print and belief system is mostly formed by age 7! So it is important that children onboard the right information and form a great way of thinking about and viewing the world around them from an early age.

Our children need to learn the mindset tools to navigate through life happily, with confidence and resilience. We have a fun and innovate way of ensuring that our techniques are easy to understand and use effectively and immediately.

Why is this an ‘annual’ membership?

We believe that a 4 year old will take in some of the information that is taught in these courses.

When they hear the lesson for a 2nd time at age 5, 3rd time at age 6, 4th time at age 7……… they will take on board more each time and start to embed the processes.

We have primary schools that have bought these courses for the 3rd year in a row and are playing it to all age groups (Reception to Year 6) as a weekly lesson within the curriculum for the reasons set out above.

Plus each year (for example) a child’s vision will expand, experience of the world will have broadened and therefore the teachings will take on a slightly different meaning each year as a child develops. The important thing is continuing to expand their mindfulness and mindset practices to ensure that their positive mental health develops with them, stays on track and continues to support them as they grow.

My child is age 9 will they benefit from starting these courses now?

ABSOLUTELY. It is never too late to start developing positive mental health habits. Or to challenge negative beliefs, and develop a different/new way of thinking, acting or behaving. These courses could help any child to thrive. The older the child is, the more they will have experienced and the greater understanding they will have of the content. Engagement is higher with older children and the lessons are short enough to ensure that each lesson is very specific in it’s teaching and suitable for the recommended age profile.

Can the Parent Portal be accessed by schools?

No. The Parent Portal and these 2 courses are ONLY to be used by a single household. Schools and education settings must purchase the ‘Resources for Schools’ which is developed for use within the classroom. The ‘One Click Lessons for Schools’ includes lessons for the whole academic year. 1 term of Mindfulness, 1 term of Mindset Techniques PLUS a 3rd Term which provides a whole host of lesson plans and resources for Mindfulness and Mindset Activities which can be used to embed the lessons in a fun and innovative way amongst a group of children in a classroom setting.

Can I purchase this for a Foster/Childrens’ home setting?

Yes. This is for use in a single household and can be purchased for each home separately. An individual membership will be required for each home as log in cannot be shared amongst a network of homes. If log in details are shared, access will be removed without refund.

Can I share my log in with other parents?

No. You must not share your log in details with any other households - if we find that your log in is being used by multiple households we will immediately cease your membership and will not refund your fee.

Can I cancel the annual membership at any time?

Yes. The course fee is non-refundable. However, if you cancel within 30 days of the renewal date, the 2nd and subsequent years will not be payable and your access to the online materials will cease at the anniversary date.

Are you ready to get going?

Gaining access to the Parent Portal is simple - just click ‘sign up’ below.

Just a few things you need to know in advance:

  1. Register and pay for immediate access to the Online Parent Portal. Payment confirms acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.

  2. You will receive confirmation that your account has been set up - if this does not arrive please contact us.

  3. You are forbidden to share the log in details with any other households.

  4. If you are part of a home schooling network or homes for children, a separate membership is required for each household. A breach of this confidentiality clause will result in immediate removal of membership access to the Parent Portal. Any fees paid are non refundable.

  5. All fees are non refundable.

  6. You may cancel your membership within 30 days of the subscription renewal date.

  7. Your annual membership will automatically renew unless we hear from you within the cancellation period.

  8. Have fun with your MiniMe - these practices and skill are life changing if they are embedded as positive mental health habits! Any Qs, please ask!

The MiniMe Mindfulness® Parent Portal


One time

A complete solution for parents looking to teach Mindfulness and Mindset Techniques in a fun and innovative way. Lessons are taught by Mindset Mentor Oscar, age 8 in the MiniMe Mindfulness® Coaching 4 Kids by Kids programme. 20 minute weekly lessons with home practice to span the whole academic year. This Membership is purchased for private use only within a home and access/content must not be shared. MiniMe Mindfulness® reserves the right to remove access if confidentiality is breached.

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Best Children's Mindset Coaching

©2024 MiniMe Mindfulness®