
WHAT is it?

When you think about the future how do you feel? I want you to feel super excited about all the things that are coming up in your life. That could be next month, next year, in 5 years or when you are grown up.

We are only young, and we have so many things that we can do… so let’s DREAM BIG!

We have to know that in our lives we can BE, DO or HAVE whatever we want.

It’s so exciting to create dreams in our heads, but we need to write them down and turn them into pictures we can look at every day.

WHY should we do it?

We can all dream and our imaginations can run wild. We should be able to think of the future and smile, maybe even get butterflies in our tummy.

If we create our vision in pictures, we will send messages to our brain that will help us to stay on track and spot opportunities (people, places or things) to help us make our dreams turn into our real life. Plus it reminds us everyday to work hard to achieve our goals.

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