Guided Meditation

WHAT is Guided Meditation?

Our ‘Coaching 4 Kids by Kids programme’ is led by Oscar and Annie (pictured above). They share their thoughts here:

Meditation is so special because it’s your time to spend time with YOU!

It’s peaceful time that you can use to gather your thoughts and take a break from the world for a little while. It’s like pressing pause on your life so that you can catch up with your feelings and emotions.

Guided meditation is where we guide your thoughts by sharing some stories or words to either bring your thoughts internally (mindfulness) or take your mind on a magical journey (mindset). Words are often spoken over calming music or sounds.

WHY should we do it?

Well, in our busy lives we are so focused on our school work, homework, hobbies, playing with our friends, spending time with our families, playing computer games, watching TV and YouTube. It’s great that we have so much to do – but it’s really important that we know how to STOP.

At least once a day, we should relax our minds and check in on ourselves to make sure we are OK. It will help us:

  • Feel calm

  • Be more relaxed

  • Clear our heads

  • Manage our thoughts

  • Sleep better

  • Be healthier

  • Be happier

Meditations by Oscar Hawes

Oscar has been guiding meditations since the age of 8.

Children really enjoy hearing a child’s voice whilst going on their inner journey.

We have a whole collection of meditations from Oscar age 8, 9, 10, 11 and now 12! The meditations are very relevant for primary school children as engagement goes up through peer mentoring in our ‘Coaching4Kids by Kids’ programme.

Exciting news - Annie, Age 6 joins the team!

Exciting news! We have a new member of our meditation team…… Annie, age 6! Perfect meditations for pre-school, Reception and Year 1 children.

Here is a taster of our new meditations from Oscar (age 11) and Annie. They are great to help children during the transition period in the Summer term - moving classes, changing teachers and schools.

Beach Meditation - (Age 11)
Rainbow Meditation - 4 Min (Age 6)
Beach Meditation - (Age 6)
Inner Thoughts and Feelings - (Age 8)
Back to School
Back to School

These meditations are provided for the purpose of individual use by parents with their children in a home setting. If you are a school utilising these meditations, we are grateful that you have stopped by to check out the resources - please refer to the ‘Resources for Schools’ section of our website for more information and support that we can provide. Including our ‘online 1 click lessons’ and activities, in person courses and before/after/in curriculum activities.

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